Michelin stars are known to signify the world’s guarantee of taste quality. We have new reasons to enjoy and be proud because our cold pressed oils have received another international recognition.
The story began four years ago when our cold presed sunflower oil was rated with a golden star by the jury of the Quality and Taste Institute (ITQi) from Brussels.
Back then, the first page of the award-winning history of Michelin stars was written and it continues to be written nowadays:
• 2014 – ITQI Jury Brussels recognizes the sunflower oil as a premium quality oil and evaluates it with a golden star
• 2015 – The pumpkin Oil is presented to jurors who recognize its superior quality and award it 2 golden stars
• 2016 – It is the walnut oil turn to be introduced to the ITQI Brussels who awards it 2 golden stars
• 2017 – Rapeseed oil is also tested for the first time by the specialists who award it 2 golden stars
– A new assessment of the ITQI jury Brussels brings the final recognition of sunflower oil, which is awarded the maximum of 3 gold stars.
17 Romanian products have been evaluated as a Superior Taste Award this year, 5 of them in the “Food” and 12 in the “Beverages” section.
Luna Solai cold pressed oil is the only Romanian food rated in the last 4 years by the ITQI jury with 3 stars out of a maximum of 3 !
What Superior Taste Award means?
The “Superior Taste Award” is a unique international recognition based on a „blind” testing (without knowing the identity of the product – name, manufacturer, label) made by chefs and sommeliers, tasting and quality experts with Michelin stars and opinion leaders from 15 states.
During the tests, tasters are asked to evaluate the products as if they were in their kitchen, not according to restaurant standards. Each evaluated product is analyzed in the form of a sensory analysis report based on criteria such as smell, taste, visual impact, texture. All these are taken into consideration by each member of the jury.
This new international confirmation certifies once again the value of Luna Solai brand as a top quality brand.